Related Quotes
soul took
Charles Neville What he took from me was nothing, because he can't take my spirit, he can't take my soul. My soul is New Orleans.
air eyes liberty light love lungs soul
Robert Green Ingersoll What light is to the eyes -- what air is to the lungs -- what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.
loving money souls
Al Groh With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats.
afforded array audiences believable brought cd current delivery direct forth inspirational kay manner music musical please reaches soulful sure voice
Sandy Johnson With Ms. Truesdale's current CD album, 'I know Him' on Nashville's CIS-Christian label, Jeanie Kay has brought forth an array of inspirational music sure to please any listener, ... Her soulful voice and her emotional, believable musical delivery reaches audiences in a direct manner not often afforded many singers.
along appear arabian disposes face grief grieve ice kindness learn natural nature pleasantly pure river serenity sing soon soul spent sympathy
Henry David Thoreau We feel at first as if some opportunities of kindness and sympathy were lost, but learn afterward that any pure grief is ample recompense for all. That is, if we are faithful; -- for a spent grief is but sympathy with the soul that disposes events, and is as natural as the resin of Arabian trees. -- Only nature has a right to grieve perpetually, for she only is innocent. Soon the ice will melt, and the blackbirds sing along the river which he frequented, as pleasantly as ever. The same everlasting serenity will appear in this face of God, and we will not be sorrowful, if he is not.
blue sky soul
Frederick Saunders Good-humor is the clear blue sky of the soul.
wisdom pain soul
John Powell There is no such thing as a peace of soul approach to religion. It makes of God a gigantic Bayer Aspirin; take God three times a day and you won't feel any pain.
love-you soul god-love
William Shakespeare Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.
jewels house chastity
William Shakespeare My chastity's the jewel of our house, bequeathed down from many ancestors.
ornaments chastity chaste
William Shakespeare Of chastity, the ornaments are chaste.
bud chastity chaste
William Shakespeare As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown.
soul chastity
Elizabeth I Chastity is the ermine of woman's soul.
chastity quite
St. Aurelius Augustine Give me chastity and continence, but not quite yet.
belief believe calculate chastity commission corrupted express far himself hypocrisy impossible lying man mental mind moral prepared produced subscribe
Thomas Paine It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.
christian virtue chastity
C. S. Lewis Chastity is the most unpopular of the Christian virtues.
temptation chastity
Edna O'Brien I have always espoused chastity except when one can no longer resist the temptation.
chastity constancy dear either foolish friend playing remember silence trick tricks trying
Samuel Johnson My Dear Sir: Are you playing the same trick again, and trying who can keep silence longest? Remember that all tricks are either knavish or childish; and that it is as foolish to make experiments upon the constancy of a friend as upon the chastity o