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ask asked bring clear dealing democrats families house iraq issue near president relates senate simply sure troops
Kendrick Meek Americans simply ask for, not just Democrats in the House but also the Senate has asked the President for a clear plan as it relates to dealing with the issue of Iraq and our troops and making sure that we can bring families together in the very near future.
attempt break clearly coalition continued crucial economic effort enemy iraqis progress provide seeing support transition
Ricardo Sanchez What we're seeing here is clearly a continued attempt and a more concentrated effort by the enemy to try to get all the Iraqis that are cooperating with the coalition to break away and not provide us that support that is so crucial to getting to economic progress and the transition to sovereignty,
attacking attempt bent citizens defense honorable iraq justice law rule seeing side subvert trying whether
Adam Ereli What we're seeing here is an attempt to subvert justice, an attempt to subvert the rule of law by those that are bent on attacking honorable citizens of Iraq who are trying to see that justice is done, whether it be on the prosecution side or on the defense side.
bad chaos edge iraq skating
E. B. White What this demonstrates is that Iraq is really skating on the edge of chaos, that things can go very bad very quickly.
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Pat Roberts When we do, then the people of Iraq will no longer live in fear of his return. ... You can see it in their faces, you can hear it in their voices.
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Joseph Battipaglia What happens with Iraq is very important in January and February to pretty much set the tone for how the economy will fare for the rest of the year. So when we have that answer, then you can get your market direction. In the meantime, you essentially move sideways.
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Joseph Biden What happens when our ambassador has to stand up and make the case on intelligence relating to Iraq and North Korea? ... Do you think John Bolton is going to be believed? And do you think it matters? I think it matters a great deal.
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Gerhard Schroeder We can disarm Iraq without war. I see grasping this chance as my responsibility,
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Bob Barr The goal in Afghanistan is to find the terrorists and take them out.
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Camille Paglia Our presence in Afghanistan is not worth the price of any more American lives or treasure.
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Charlie Daniels I've been to Iraq three times. I've been to Afghanistan, I've been quite a few places, and I want to tell you something, these kids, they're the best we've got. They're the best Americans, they're the most loyal Americans we've got. And we owe them when they come back.
afghanistan afghan ifs
Asne Seierstad If we can't understand the Afghan family, we can't understand Afghanistan.
thinking afghanistan multiple
Bob Corker I think all of us who have been in Afghanistan on the ground multiple times know that what we're doing there on the ground is just not sustainable.
afghanistan perceive has-beens
Arthur Conan Doyle You have been in Afghanistan I perceive.
united-states terrorist afghanistan
Alice Walker I was distressed that after 9/11, when the United States was attacked by terrorists, the United States' response was to attack Afghanistan, where some of the terrorists had been.
iraq afghanistan blown-away
David Cameron Every time I visit Iraq or Afghanistan I am blown away.
dangerous afghanistan
Donald Trump In America, we have cities that are far more dangerous than Afghanistan.