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soon weather
Sadhu Johnston We're monitoring the equipment. As soon as that's done and the weather breaks, we'll be up there.
agency call depending fire fuel issue last money perfect phenomenon situation spending treatment weather
Dan Glickman We're spending today, depending upon which agency of government, significantly more money on fire preparedness and treatment than we were spending in 1993, ... I think the real issue is that we have a situation that has been unparalleled in the last 50 years right now, and that has to do with what I call 'the perfect storm' phenomenon of weather and fuel loads.
good human people recovery remains taking weather
Scott Wilson We're going to take as long as it takes. Our people are very good at human remains recovery and we're having some inclement weather now that we're taking precautions against.
knew trouble warm weather
Jim McCarthy When we had that warm weather in January, we knew we were going to be in trouble.
cold few glad kids kinda past perform practiced thrown turned weather
Kevin Rollins When we got out there (Tuesday), the weather had turned kinda bad. It was cold and windy and not at all like the weather we'd practiced so well in during the past few days. We're just glad to see the kids still perform and not get thrown off by anything, then go out and get the win.
benefit number weather
Nick Saban When we get weather that's disruptive, which we've had now two years in a row, I think that's benefit number one.
felt success weather
Shirley Christian We felt it was a success, and the weather was great.
believe colder february impact likely majority negative retailers sales sets spring store stores weather
Bill Dreher We believe this will have a negative impact on February sales for the majority of our retailers as the much colder weather will likely impede store traffic, and sales of spring merchandise sets that are now in stores may be impacted.