Related Quotes
Layton Aliviado We're so happy. I don't know. We don't show it too much.
happiness pressure rich
Frida Lyngstad Being rich and famous isn't all happiness and at times the pressures have got to me.
good happiness happy
Oscar Wilde When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy.
happiness humans
Martin Seligman What humans want is not just happiness. They want justice; they want meaning.
acting coach happiness highlights loves partner pitch reach smith son talented tremendous work
Kim Fields Working with Will Smith was one of the highlights of my career. He is so talented and has a tremendous work ethic. We are still friends, and I reach out to him and his partner to pitch ideas. He loves my mother. In fact, my mother was his son Jaden's acting coach for the movie 'Pursuit of Happiness.'
becomes closest expense great happiness hard people problem
Travis Bradberry Working hard is a great way to impact the world, to learn, to grow, to feel accomplished, and sometimes even to find happiness, but it becomes a problem when you do so at the expense of the people closest to you.
california couple deep glad happiness hours nice normally opportunity
Leonardo Rivera We feel at home. Very nice to have the opportunity to have a couple of hours of happiness. We're used to it when you play in California and in Texas, but not normally this deep into the U.S. I'm glad they're here and they're producing.
happiness nice remembers
Simon Cowell We're proud, we're happy, and it's nice that she remembers the show as well.
adopt care children desire excited foster last talked time
David Brown When we went into foster care this last time we talked to our children about our desire to adopt and they were all excited about the possibility.
beware children mother uncle
Patty Hopson When I was little, my mother always told me to beware of strangers. Today, I tell my children to beware of Uncle Chester, their Mother's Molester.
alive believe best bring children daily decision lives owe present stay until
Deborah Copaken Kogan When it comes down to it, I believe that, having made the decision to bring children into the world, I owe it to them to be as present as I can in their daily lives and to try my best to stay alive until they've made it through to adulthood.
benefit children close florida professors tech
Eliud Nieves We're so close to Florida Tech that you get the children of professors and students. We benefit from that.
audiences both children directed films georgia planning start tom weeks
Tony Long We're going to start planning it two weeks after this one is over. Tom Glennon (director of the Georgia Children's Museum) has already come to me with the idea of a children's division, both films made by children and directed at children as an audience. We may even show them at the museum.
bush call children ducks gather george invade invasion iran iraq lead middle mistake people sitting stop sure together war worse
Cindy Sheehan We're going to do what we do all the time: gather together in peace. We're going to call for George Bush and the neo-cons not to invade Iran. That would be a mistake even worse than Iraq. Our children are sitting ducks in the Middle East; the people of Iran and Iraq would be sitting ducks. And I'm not even sure that this invasion won't lead to World War III. So it's something that we have to stop before it starts.
children mistake educational
Anne Sullivan It's a great mistake, I think, to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense, when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.
children names ideas
Anne Sullivan Why, it is as easy to teach the name of an idea, if it is clearly formulated in the child's mind, as to teach the name of an object.
children city defeated failing great inspire nobel resident union win
Kathie Pontus What a great story to inspire our children of today. Not only can you be a resident of Union City and go on to win a Nobel Prize, but you shouldn't be defeated by the failing of a subject.
chance commitment donations gotten great people reality top trusts verbal
Paul Stamm We've approached the other trusts and have gotten a verbal commitment, but they would like to be able to be the monies that put us over the top in the project. This has a great chance of being a reality and we really need $10 and $25 donations from people in the community.
advanced aggressive business companies corporate documents manage print providing realized since site tool web
Dan Beck We've always had an aggressive e-commerce strategy. Since our first Web site in 1994, we realized a Web site was more than just a corporate brochure. It had to be an advanced business tool providing everything companies need to design, print and manage their documents online.
alive came feels floor letting rather realize saw sit starters team wanting
Theresa Adams When we were letting the starters sit on the bench, to see what was going on on the floor ... that's just how the other part of the team feels when they're on the bench, wanting to get in. And after they saw all of that, they came alive to realize that they (would) rather be on the floor than on the bench.
career insane laugh paid people realized
Matthew Perry When I was, like, 15, I realized there could be a career in making people laugh - like, you could get paid to do it. That was insane to me.
accepted definitely entirely needed realize time
David Lambert When I was in Taiwan, we were there for about 8 months, and I was 11 at the time, so it was definitely a culture shock. But it was a really interesting time to be there. I didn't entirely realize how different it is from the States. I just accepted it because I was there and my parents needed to be there.
came realized time
Shawn Chacon When it came time to go out and pitch, I realized why I was here,
building constantly pays people realize repair respect rights state stop takes texans
Larry Krantz We respect the rights of Texans to have fun. But people need to realize that everyone pays when the state has to constantly stop what it's doing to repair this kind of damage. It takes away from our other responsibilities like building and maintaining roadways.
freshmen guys last maybe older quite ready realized stand wondering
Robby Wine We're going to solidify a lineup. There was a lot of things that went on last weekend. We just wanted to see what guys were made of. We realized that some of the freshmen weren't quite ready yet, and I think in the same aspect, we have some older guys that maybe started wondering where they stand with the team.
believe definitely fallen good miracle realizing stay team
Michael Barrett We're going to need a miracle now to stay in this thing. I believe in those, but it's definitely frustrating realizing how good of a team we have and how we've fallen short.