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disorders hard sports
Laura Wilkinson There are a lot of eating disorders in our sport, so I try very hard not to get consumed by all that.
anxiety depression diagnosis disease disorders due identified intriguing military prior risk single study sure whether
Melvin Blanchard We're still not sure whether CMI is due to a single disease or pathological process. But this study has identified an intriguing association between CMI risk and diagnosis of depression and anxiety disorders prior to military service.
disorders eating knows nobody nutrition people reason separate stop subject
Kathryn Prescott The reason most people get eating disorders is because they want to be skinny, but they do it stupidly, and they stop eating completely - nobody knows anything about nutrition or exercise. I think it should be a separate subject in school.
disorders food interested issues struggled using
Jane Green Having struggled with food issues and eating disorders myself, particularly when I was younger, I've long been interested in using it within my books.
addiction ambiguity associated behavior brain change decisions disorders impulsive influence medication mental might others people perceive problem risk someday sorts types
Michael Platt Some people are impulsive, some people are not; some people think through their decisions while others don't, and sometimes this can become pathological. Impulsive behavior can be associated with all sorts of mental disorders like addiction or problem gambling. If it could be demonstrated that we could change the way people perceive risk and ambiguity by introducing a medication that could influence brain chemistry, someday we might be able to alleviate some types of pathological decision making.
believe cause concern death disorders experts health major news obesity related soon surpass tobacco
Karen Olson It is not news that obesity and related disorders are a major health concern for the U.S.. If it hasn't already, many experts believe that it will soon surpass tobacco as the number-one cause of preventable death in this country.
cause control disorders foot goes healthy people understand wrong
Raymond Reynolds It is important to know how healthy people control foot placement, so that we may understand what goes wrong in people who have neurological disorders which may cause them to fall.
caused days discomfort disorders lead limb low pain sick
Jacqui Smith Pain or discomfort caused by upper limb disorders can lead to more sick days and low motivation.
anywhere asked field hard played player roles type
Jill Malko We've asked her to do things that she didn't anticipate. She has played all these roles because of all the injuries. But she's the type of player that can play anywhere on the field and that's pretty hard to find.
ball hard hit league lost maybe mound side
Rich Miller We've always said that's probably the widest mound in the league ? and maybe all of baseball. I really think the mound is too wide. That ball by Heintz was hit hard and then it hit the side of the mound. But that's not what lost us the game.
buyer hardcover paperback reached
Chris Lynch We've always reached the hardcover buyer more than the paperback buyer.
difference harder known powers
Bob Morton We've always known the destructive powers of hurricanes. The difference now is that we have that much more information. It's that much harder to ignore.
confident hardest job nobody paying
Mitchell Hurwitz When we were making 'Arrested Development,' it was the hardest thing I'd ever done. You know, nobody was watching. We weren't getting feedback. The job wasn't paying very well. But the one thing I did feel confident about was: No one will ever be able to do this again. Because no one would be stupid enough to try.
benefits hard knowing practice
Jim Crumlish When we were losing, going into practice every day was tough. You go in every day to practice knowing that it will be brutal. And when you are losing, it's that much worse. You don't get to see the benefits of all your hard work, as you do when you're winning.
backing brought defense fight hard instead letting locker second step tougher
Jermaine Spencer When we went in the locker room, we said we weren't pushing. We weren't getting as hard after them as we should. In the second half, we brought the fight to them. Instead of backing down and letting them do what they want to do, we made them step up and play -- play defense and make tougher shots.
georgia hard quite trying undo
Sam Taylor-Johnson When I was out in Georgia doing photographs, I found myself trying to undo my own sense of composition. I'd think, 'Why do I want to take it like this? Is it because I want to take a beautiful picture?' It's quite hard to try and undo it.
answers ask best decisive hard people
Chelsea Peretti When I was little, people would ask what my favorite color was, and I never knew. I find it's really hard to make decisive 'best' answers on what the 'best' of something is.
admiration drawn folks found good hoped laugh natural page people product seemed sports talked
Kevin Jackson We've always hoped that Page 2 would be a destination for people who wanted a good laugh and didn't take sports too seriously. Much of that was accomplished through parody, so it seemed natural that we'd be drawn to a product like the Onion. I think we've always had an admiration for what they do, and when we talked to the folks at the Onion, we found out that admiration was mutual.
sports school government
Will Self If the government announced that it was going to allocate a vast tranche of education funding purely to the pupils at the best public schools, there would be a national outcry - and yet this is precisely what the Olympics represents in terms of sports funding.
corners follow four mountain reach sports west
Craig Thompson We're going to reach all four corners of the country. We're going to be able to follow Mountain West sports the way no one else has been able to follow Mountain West sports before.
bar cigar dance doors french people pool private rooms sports upstairs watch
Danny Smith We're going to have a big dance floor, a nice, upper-scale restaurant, and private cigar rooms with stained French doors where people can smoke, dine and watch TV. That's downstairs. Upstairs we'll have a sports bar with pool tables.
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Pat Battle When we began our analysis of the videogame landscape, it became apparent that EA SPORTS was best positioned from a marketing and development perspective to maximize the sales opportunities for college football.
athletics close formal influence kid money motivate negative option sports
John Thompson What he did was the right thing for him. Unfortunately, it has a negative influence on a lot of other people. Going into professional sports and making the money he's made does not close the option for him to still get a formal education. It does close the option for a kid that does not make it. If I'm some kid from the inner-city who has used athletics to motivate myself and I miss, I have no more options.
beat bullet hardest inside kid run sports threw
Al Pound What have we got to lose? The kid threw a bullet and he just beat it. That's the hardest run to make in sports ? inside the park.
beginning couple found four hole ourselves penalties score sports swing
Dan Bauer We found ourselves in a big hole in the beginning. We had four penalties before SPASH had one, and they were able to score a couple of goals. It was a pretty big swing in the game.
bought core entertainment great propel sports
Gary Davis We bought WCW because it would be great way to propel our core business, the sports entertainment genre, to new height,