Accounting Quotations
Accounting Quotes from:
Bill Quotes
The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of the total health care bill out there. There is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.
Brings Quotes
We are pleased to report that all outstanding issues involving the SEC's financial review, as well as the accounting issues related to DFG, have now been resolved, ... Today's earnings release brings this matter to a close and we now look forward to proceeding with the Tyson transaction.
Clients Quotes
We have received plenty of word-of-mouth referrals in the past five years because of the expertise we continue to gain in handling nonprofits. Some accounting firms have decreased their focus on nonprofits or have left the Winston-Salem market, so we have picked up clients that way as well.
Apply Quotes
Since the provisions of Medicare Part D became effective on January 1, 2006, a number of questions have arisen regarding the proper accounting for these transactions. Through this proposed Technical Bulletin, we are providing guidance on how best to apply existing accounting standards and to report these new federal payments in state and local government financial statements.
Accepted Quotes
Movaris' customers require technology to automate tens, to hundreds of thousands of control activities across multiple worldwide business units and manage large volumes of changes in those activities. Certainty delivers broad Financial Control Management functionality to automate the day-to-day work performed in finance organizations, such as enforcing corporate policies, GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), Sarbanes-Oxley, and other regulations.
Active Quotes
Men who reported being physically active were much less likely to have ED compared to men who reported no daily physical activity. Similarly, men who reported being sedentary - measured by hours of daily television viewing and video and computer use - were much more likely to have ED, even after accounting for other risk factors.
Balance Quotes
One of the great things about Berkshire Hathaway is it has one of the best balance sheets and cleanest accounting on the planet, ... And if anything has come out of this period of time, it's that all this sort of fundamental and flaky stuff that's gone on during the bull market has come home to roost.
Adjusted Quotes
If they charge a rental fee of $100 now, that fee may be $104 in the future, but that is something each business will decide for themselves, ... We'll receive a monthly accounting of rentals and leases from each business and the 4 percent tax will be applied. In the beginning, each business will be required to pay the tax monthly, but later, that can be adjusted to quarterly or every other month, whichever the business prefers.
Background Quotes
James has an impressive and extensive background in accounting and finance. His experience as CFO in two other publicly held companies also prepares him to provide the essential financial leadership we will need as we transition from a period of consolidation to a new stage of dynamic growth.
Allowing Quotes
It is clear that integration to 'back-office' systems such as accounting or service management applications is an important aspect of providing end-to- end mobilization for field service organizations. With an easy to implement integration path via SOAP for EService, we are able to provide the considerable benefits of EService while also allowing our customers to use their 'tried and proven' business management applications.
America Quotes
Japan and Korea dominate market volumes today, accounting for over 80 percent of TV phones sold in 2006. However, Western Europe and North America, as well as China, will be the hot spots for global volume growth over the next few years. We expect Western Europe to ramp up to over one million units sold this year, with North America and China coming online in 2007.
Accelerate Quotes
Over the past year, we have been engaged in career development with an eye toward advancement opportunities for our employees. The new assignments for Otto and Scott are designed to broaden both their understanding of the corporation and their experience in the finance and accounting arenas. We are committed to providing advancement opportunities for our employees and will continue to focus on helping accelerate career development and expanding the knowledge base of our staff.
Appreciate Quotes
Our new city administrator has been great, because I had no experience as a finance director. I am an accounting person, which is a bean counter and finance is a little different than being an accountant. Accountants are more exact and finance people have more vision. He's got the vision. He's been a good compliment to me and has helped me a lot and I really appreciate that. He's a little more involved... For the most part everybody has been great and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
Associated Quotes
It is disconcerting that no one associated with the Guild has yet been able to provide a detailed accounting or basis for these fees, despite the fact that they come directly from dues and fees paid by Guild members, who expect the Guild's leadership and management to be dedicated to furthering the members' health and welfare.
Bit Quotes
It is definitely the way things are going, but a year-end target sounds a bit aggressive. You have the currency issues and the accounting issues and you still have the regulatory issues, and in some countries there are issues about foreign ownership on stock. I think it's a lot easier to have foreign investors buying U.S. stocks rather than the other way around.
Branch Quotes
We need a full accounting of the Bush administration's spending on advertising, PR, and fake news. It's time for Congress to reclaim its constitutional role as a counterweight to the executive branch and permanently cut off funding for covert propaganda. We must ensure that taxpayer money isn't being spent by the White House to secretly manipulate the American public.