Assisted Quotations
Assisted Quotes from:
Beloved Quotes
What an encouraging thought that Jesus - our beloved Husband - can find comfort in our lowly feeble gifts! Can this be, for it seems far too good to be true? May we then be willing to endure trials or even death itself if through these hardships we are assisted in bringing gladness to Immanuel's heart.
Aid Quotes
I go to assume a task more difficult than that which devolved upon Washington. Unless the great God, who assisted him, shall be with me and aid me, I must fail; but if the same omniscient mind and almighty arm that directed and protected him shall guide and support me, I shall not fail - I shall succeed.
Affect Quotes
Until market forces, assisted by a vigilant Federal Reserve, affect the necessary alignment of aggregate demand with the growth of potential aggregate supply, the full benefits of innovative productivity acceleration are at risk of being undermined by financial and economic instability,
Arm Quotes
People who've had a stroke often lose arm function, and it can take a lot of hard work to get it back. The robotic arm allows patients to perform guided and assisted movements over and over again--up to 1,000 repetitions an hour--to improve range of motion, strength and ultimately function in the arm.
Arms Quotes
I didn't really panic. I could see the side. I worked my way and reached for the side and one of my friends grabbed my arms and assisted me out of the pool. Why was it near tragic? I swallowed a lot of water in the process. I can remember having pounding, like migraine headaches for a couple of months. All I can remember when I got out of the water was my body went limp. I had no energy and my head was pounding.
Believe Quotes
Human life has dignity at every age; the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia. We must encourage new efforts to assist patients approaching the end of life to cope with their pain through medical, psychological, and social means.
Address Quotes
Our results for the quarter were assisted by a favorable relationship between freight demand and truckload capacity. We believe capacity growth in our industry continues to be constrained by a shortage of qualified drivers. We address the driver shortage by recruiting safe and experienced drivers, providing newer equipment, and offering competitive compensation and lifestyle programs.
Across Quotes
. . . when the farm workers strike and their strike is successful, the employers go to Mexico and have unlimited, unrestricted use of illegal alien strikebreakers to break the strike. And, for over 30 years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has looked the other way and assisted in the strikebreaking. I do not remember one single instance in 30 years where the Immigration Service has removed strikebreakers. . . .The employers use professional smugglers to recruit and transport human contraband across the Mexican border for the specific act of strikebreaking . . .
Activists Quotes
Few people realize the vital role private foundations play in promoting societal change. More often than not, major shifts in public attitudes and public policy come not from grassroots clamor but rather from the hard work of a committed few activists with the ideas and the donors who fund them, ... Without the money that is the mother's milk of public advocacy, those inspired to agitate for change would not get very far. The assisted suicide/euthanasia movement typifies this phenomenon.
Attorney Quotes
What was at issue is whether a federal drug law, the controlled Substances Act, gives the Attorney General the power to second guess states' assisted suicide policies. And the court said that the congressional drug law didn't clearly give the Attorney General that authority. That's all it held.
Along Quotes
All available CL&P crews have been dispatched and are being assisted by contractors and crews from our sister company, Public Service of New Hampshire. Unfortunately, this storm has caused damage along the East Coast and therefore crews from neighboring utilities are not currently available to assist with the restoration.
Access Quotes
The report, while being good news for many, also points out that if the issues of the growing and aging population's future long term care needs, are not addressed today, the choices will be limited to the wealthy and highly educated. Access to choices for the population at large will be restricted to those who can afford alternatives to nursing homes such as assisted living or home and community based services. Any changes must extend the benefits of improved health and increased choice to those who have been left out thus far.
Among Quotes
ABLE began operations 24 years ago, offering sheltered workshop services to about a dozen clients. Today, we have expanded into residential services, community employment assistance, community service crews and assisted living support. ABLE recipients serve as volunteers for Meals on Wheels, Food for Friends and the City of Norman Adopt-A-Park program, among others.
Attention Quotes
It's about an elderly couple, and the wife needs the attention of a dementia unit in assisted living. He goes to washing dishes, for the employee discount. But he's getting old, he shakes, he's dropping plates, and he's pleading to his boss to let him keep his job so he can keep his wife in the facility.
Age Quotes
In the near future, our nation faces the daunting challenge of meeting the needs of growing numbers of older Americans ? including baby boomers nearing retirement age ? for nursing home, home health, and assisted living care. Healthcare leaders support strategies to spread these costs widely, rather than place the entire burden on individuals or families.
Actions Quotes
Chief Hanson assisted in locating Smith and in Smith's final arrest. Chief Hanson placed himself in harm's way more than once in stopping and apprehending Smith. Chief Hanson was instrumental in coordination of evidence recovery both at the scene of the arrest, and Smith's hotel room. As a direct result of the actions of Chief Hanson and others, the FBI was able to develop a case against Smith, which the United States Attorney's Office was able to successfully prosecute.
Advances Quotes
These guys are the top operator in that industry, ... And certainly, with the Baby Boomers aging, people living longer, the advances in science and health care, we think that Sunrise Assisted Living is doing a great job growing their earnings and the stock price looks good to us for the long term.