Blizzard Quotations
Blizzard Quotes from:
Cds Quotes
I've always been a fan of instructional videos. The bass-player ones are insane. The music on them is fascinating. It's not something you hear on CDs or would really ever play in bands. You listen to it and are like, 'What is happening?' It's this blizzard of notes in weird time signatures, and they're trying to teach you that.
Ben Quotes
We spent a few days up Ben Nevis, which is the biggest mountain in the U.K., and there was one day when we had to make a decision whether we were going to go to the summit or not. It was already getting dark, but we made the call to go and made the summit, but as soon as we got there, this blizzard just hit.
Became Quotes
Rather than being one of five blockbusters in June, we wanted to be the one right now and that's what's happened, It's still fantastic with a blizzard going on. All the pictures got clobbered and will get clobbered today. But what are you going to do? That's June in February. It was June in February for two days. On the third day, it became February!