Kidneys Quotations
Kidneys Quotes from:
Age Quotes
I was born three weeks early, and I kept being ill. From the age of zero to four, I was always in hospital having tests done, but they couldn't find out what was wrong. They discovered that one of my kidneys wasn't working properly, and it had scarred. I had to have 32 injections in my arm in the morning and evening to try and make me better.
Advantage Quotes
Living with a single kidney is almost exactly like living with two; the remaining kidney expands to take up the slack. (When kidneys fail, they generally fail together; barring trauma or cancer, there's not much advantage to a backup.) The main risk to the donor is the risk of any surgery.
Based Quotes
You don't metabolize a drug based on how big you are. You metabolize a drug based on what's going on in your liver and your kidneys that changes the drug into inactive products and excretes it. Much of the reason Mrs. Jones does it differently than Mrs. Smith is because of the genes she's inherited from her parents.