Quotes about regards
appear coming deep dire guess morning regards relief sigh situation
Bill Cowher I think we'll all have a deep sigh of relief in regards to the diagnosis. I guess the dire situation we thought we had coming in here this morning doesn't appear to be that right now.
arena football guaranteed leverage regards rights sports trend
I think arena football (revenue-sharing model) is a trend in regards to sports that don't have competitive leverage to get guaranteed rights fee,
above falling next philosophy regards sticking year
Ted Sundquist I think above anything with regards to next year kind of falling into place was just having a philosophy and sticking with it.
credible issues obviously regards timing voice
Scott Ritter I was a credible voice, I am a credible voice, and I will be a credible voice in regards to issues pertaining to Iraq, and obviously what you are not mentioning here is the timing of all of this,
compliment concern definitely doctors moved regards serious standpoint
It definitely can be a serious matter. There's always a concern in regards to clots, aneurysms, things like that. Evidently, we moved on it very quickly. ... I really compliment our doctors from the standpoint of detecting this.
black high regards
Manny has nothing but high regards for The Black Eyed Peas.
attention average liberals might paul people regards turned validate views
Nik Nanos People are disappointed with the Liberals, disappointed with Paul Martin, so they have turned their attention to Stephen Harper. Harper hasn't done anything to validate what the Liberals would like in regards to views that might not jive with average Canadians.
forward guys kids looking regards talk
Our kids are looking forward to the evening. I think these guys will talk to our guys about more than just football. I mean, they'll talk about things in regards to the future.
absence apparent arbitrary arisen classified fear past punishment regards year
Kit Bond Over the past year there has arisen an apparent absence of fear of punishment in regards to the arbitrary divulging of classified information.
areas believe benefit bring craves energy far folks gas great nation natural oil policies policy preventing regards room sensitive tax teachings
Our tax policy with regards to energy is so far way from Mr. Smith's teachings that we probably will never get back to it. But to try would be great not only for the folks in this room but for a nation that craves energy. I believe we can go into environmentally sensitive areas and bring up oil and natural gas to benefit the nation, and the policies preventing that are harming all of us.
attitude biggest hockey people punish punishing regards regroup
Our biggest thing is, as a team, we have to regroup in regards to our attitude and how we're going to play. I thought defensively we did not punish people in our own end. You can't play hockey in your own end without punishing people.
attention band call felt joining regards secret sister vehicle walked worthy
Ken Block I don't think it's any secret that Sister Hazel as a band has always walked the walk with regards to joining worthy causes. We've always felt like if our vehicle can be used to call attention to some of that, we'll do it and get a lot of gratification out of it.
air force point protecting rather regards security taken view
From the point of view of protecting the president, we'd rather have nothing out there as regards Air Force One and the security arrangements. If I were still in government, I'd try to get this taken down promptly.
behind fitness regards running
Shaun Edwards So he has been behind the eight-ball with regards to his running fitness.
far fixed miss regards time
The only way that this is going to be fixed is through surgery. We'll have a better idea as far as time in regards to how long he'll miss after tomorrow's appointment.
limits regards starting
Diane Duane Yes, limits can be self-imposed. But, as regards space, especially, they're starting to dwindle. It can be the same way for people.
best considered others pain pleasures regards yogi
One is considered the best yogi who regards every being like oneself, and who can feel the pain and pleasures of others as one's own.
experience guys regards whatsoever
Tom Moody No. Nothing at all. Our guys haven't had any experience whatsoever in regards to that.
iranian past policies regards trust various
Hassan Rouhani The Iranian people, with regards to the policies of various American administrations in the past 30 years, are very worried. They don't trust them.
people regards sure
Thom Browne As a designer, I think you just have to make sure you know what you want and stay true to it. You need to have conviction and really just want to make people think in regards to doing interesting things.
careful exploring personal regards south travelling
Wilbur Smith As regards to personal safety, you do have to be careful not to put yourself at risk when travelling in South Africa. You don't want to go out exploring at night, for example.
absolutely defended regards
Shaun Edwards We defended well but with regards to the finishing, it was absolutely terrible. We will be working on it in the week.
bites box crying entering goes haunt kleenex life love regards sound talk
Lily James In regards to your love life, you're just entering into a whole of pain if you talk about it. If you've never said anything, there are no sound bites to haunt you when you're crying into a box of Kleenex after it all goes wrong.
bond coming obviously poll regards sent sure talking voters workers
We sent out an e-mail to every school, to every principal, and made sure that they know they are not to be talking about the bond election, obviously with regards to having poll workers there and voters coming in.
closer discussion holding looking regards
We are looking at tightening any discussion with regards to any candidates. And we will be holding that closer to our vest.
call collective conscience masses matter people point regards respects
Wadah Khanfar What I like to call 'journalism of depth' is the media that regards the collective conscience of the masses to be its point of departure. It is the media that believes, as a matter of principle, in the potential capabilities of the people and respects their choices.
asleep course leave regards tend
Guy Gavriel Kay I ruefully admit that if the cat is asleep in my chair - which she regards as hers, of course - I tend to leave her there and take the other one.
deep regards relief sigh week
Bill Cowher We'll see how the week progresses. I think we all have a deep sigh of relief in regards to the prognosis.
chief deputy given karl katrina regards role special staff
Dana Perino Karl Rove is the deputy chief of staff and has not been given a special role in regards to Katrina relief.
regards social workers
Dennis Hastert Back in 1935, there were 42 workers for every retiree. Today, in regards to Social Security, we only have 3 workers for every retiree.
good order rather regards social vocation
As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel.
actions charleston city concern environmental local officials regards response taken
I voiced concern about a local environmental issue. I was dissatisfied by the response and actions taken by City of Charleston officials in regards to my complaint.