Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Gwinnett Biercewas an American editorialist, journalist, short story writer, fabulist, and satirist. He wrote the short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" and compiled a satirical lexicon, The Devil's Dictionary. His vehemence as a critic, his motto "Nothing matters", and the sardonic view of human nature that informed his work, all earned him the nickname "Bitter Bierce"...
Date of Birth24 June 1842
CityMeighs County, OH
CountryUnited States of America
moral, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.
recollect, v. To recall with additions something not previously known.
adherent, n. A follower who has not yet obtained all that he expects to get.
predicament, n. The wage of consistency.
gratitude, n. A sentiment lying midway between a benefit received and a benefit expected.
renown, n. A degree of distinction between notoriety and fame - a little more supportable than the one and a little more intolerable than the other. Sometimes it is conferred by an unfriendly and inconsiderate hand.
adore, v.t. To venerate expectantly.
prospect, n. An outlook, usually forbidding. An expectation, usually forbidden.
resolute, adj. Obstinate in a course that we approve.
aim, n. The task we set our wishes to.
hybrid, n. A pooled issue.