Aziz Ansari
Aziz Ansari
Aziz Ansariis an American actor and comedian. He is known for his roles as Tom Haverford on the NBC series Parks and Recreationand as Dev Shah on the Netflix series Master of None, which debuted in 2015 and Ansari created, writes, and stars in. The New York Times called the latter show "the year's best comedy straight out of the gate"...
ProfessionTV Actor
Date of Birth23 February 1983
CityColumbia, SC
CountryUnited States of America
If someone writes something shitty and you actually address them, most of the time they're just like, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a big fan." And they're really nice people. When you're on the Internet, it's people's first instinct to just go after people.
I write characters that are based on elements of people I know and experiences I've really had.