Dave Johnston Quotations
Aim Quotes
We did not aim to survey or list individual sites but to provide estimates based on available information, such as old Ordnance Survey maps and local authority land records. The information should assist in considering the progress being made in tackling land contamination, and in the development of policy and strategies at a local, regional and national level.
Departure Quotes
We just wanted to all work together and collaborate, and that was the main impetus informing the record. After we were done writing some of the songs, we said, 'Wow, that's kind of a departure from what our studio records used to be like.' It ended up being real interesting. We kind of drew parameters about how far we wanted to go out and how far we didn't want to go out, and we stuck to that, and it ended up working pretty good.
Abroad Quotes
The investigation into such matters proves to be very difficult due to the fact that many of the sites are abroad and outside the jurisdiction of UK law enforcement agencies. The creation of new offences to deal with these matters would assist greatly in preventing the spread of such material.