George Saunders
George Saunders
George Saundersis an American writer of short stories, essays, novellas and children's books. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's, McSweeney's and GQ. He also contributed a weekly column, American Psyche, to the weekend magazine of The Guardian until October 2008...
Date of Birth2 December 1958
CityAmarillo, TX
CountryUnited States of America
goodbye crazy bored
Goodbye. I am leaving because I am bored.
laughing good-times
You can say you're a liberal and everybody laughs and it's a good time.
goodbye bored leaving
Goodbye. I'm leaving because I'm bored.
breaking good promote time ways
It is not a good way to promote Muncie. There are ways to have a good time without breaking the law.