Lars Ulrich Quotations
Lars Ulrich Quotes about:
Admired Quotes
Over the course of our career we've been fortunate enough to share the stage with a select few of the bands we grew up on, admired and respected including AC/DC, Deep Purple, Guns N' Roses and Iron Maiden. The only band that we have never played with but have always wanted to is the Rolling Stones.
Ages Quotes
The music gets better and better. It ages so well. Some bands that you sit and listen to, and it just sounds completely silly a few years later, but that Nirvana stuff, when you hear it on the radio nowadays, it sounds as vital and vibrant as it did 10, 12 years ago, when it first came out. And one can only obviously wonder what other cool stuff would've come out of that whole thing.
African Quotes
The new stuff is much more organic, more old school. It certainly doesn't feel like 'St. Anger' Part Two. When we were rehearsing for our South African shows and started playing the 'St. Anger' stuff, it definitely felt very different to the rest of the set because of how the songs were put together. It was really important to make that record in the way we did because of the chaotic internal vibe at that time: 'St. Anger' was a statement, 55 minutes of brutality packed onto a CD, proving to ourselves that we still had the spark. 'St. Anger' was fun but we don't need to make that album again.
Love Is Quotes
Parenting changes your life, it changes how you hear yourself in relationship to others - which is part of the reason that a bunch of people in the rock community are sick of the goodwill and positive energy and love between these 45-year-old musicians who they preferred when they were 25 and taking stabs at each other.
Running Quotes
Metallica lives in a little bubble. We just do our own thing. We're not part of any trends or waves or fads. We can just do our own thing, all the time. It's a great luxury. I don't think we were really appreciative of it until recently, and really understood that it is what keeps us alive. It's great to be able to have the freedom to run around and do all this crazy stuff, and at all cost, avoid making another record, just to piss our managers off.
Thinking Quotes
I think you have to sort of accept that nobody really knows where it`s going so there has to be a lot of impulsive kind of attitudes. So it`s like a train that`s moving and you don`t quite know where it`s going but you try to steer it in the best way you can realizing that it may go in different places that you had no idea.
Years Quotes
What Metallica always tries to do, as we go around and play a lot of the same cities, over and over again, year after year, is to give a different experience. We try to never play the same venues, or if we play indoors, we'll play outdoors, and all that type of stuff. It's always about just trying to do a different kind of experience.
Helping Quotes
Hugh [Evans] called us. And obviously this has been on our radar for all the years it`s been going on. And each year obviously reaches more and more people, and it`s high profile. Hugh reached out to our manager just down the street. And we said we`re here [ on GLOBAL CITIZEN in the Central Park] to help and do whatever we can.
Integrity Quotes
Doing things the way you see it, going by your own heart and soul, that is pure artistic integrity. Whether the hair is six or sixty inches long, the eyes have make-up or not, the riffs are in 'E' or 'F' sharp, the amps are Marshall or not, all those things don't matter if you are doing it for the right reason, which to me means doing it for yourself!!