May Sarton
May Sarton
May Sarton is the pen name of Eleanore Marie Sarton, an American poet, novelist and memoirist...
ProfessionNon-Fiction Author
Date of Birth3 May 1912
CountryUnited States of America
able sometimes dishes
There was such a thing as women's work and it consisted chiefly, Hilary sometimes thought, in being able to stand constant interruption and keep your temper. . . .
long long-time
It takes a long time for words to become thought ...
friendship bears sometimes
I know you have much to bear with in me, and I really do sometimes in you, but I have never looked at friendship in a deep sense as easy or entirely comfortable.
strength sometimes fragile-things
It is sometimes the most fragile things that have the power to endure and become sources of strength.
poet time-spent
Time spent with poets is never wasted.
prayer real hard-times
Real joy is becoming exceedingly rare among artists of any kind. And I have an idea that those who can and do communicate it are always people who have had a hard time. Then the joy has no smugness or self-righteousness in it, is inclusive not exclusive, and comes close to prayer.
hour madly single stand stop time
Now there is time and time is young.O, in this single hour I liveAll of myself and do not move.I, the pursued, who madly ran,Stand still, stand still, and stop the sun!