Michael Wolff Quotations
Afford Quotes
I think it is an understandable and pretty predictable course for him to take. Murdoch is a nervous guy. The idea that he might be missing out on something is awfully painful. But he is just dipping his toes in. Why buy these? Partly because he can afford them. He's not making big bets here.
Age And Aging Quotes
I think this certainly is one of the biggest stories of our age. If the guy closest to the President has potentially committed a felony ... The President said, 'If anyone is involved in this in my administration, they're going to get fired.' ... If Karl Rove were out of business, that's a f-ing big story.
African Quotes
This summer I actually had the opportunity to play at Royal Albert Hall in London with my band, Bobby McFerrin and The African Children's Choir. There were over 6,000 people sitting in the audience with another 900 people standing. It was the most exciting experience, just totally amazing.
Avoid Quotes
The distinction between the 3rd floor and the 14th floor used to be real. The editor was always in charge. That's no longer the case. And it's hard to avoid the conclusion that while Pinch has been running the paper, it just lurches from crisis to crisis. At some point you have to question the quality of his leadership.