Ward Churchill
Ward Churchill
Ward LeRoy Churchillis an American author and political activist. He was a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado Boulder from 1990 until 2007. The primary focus of his work is on the historical treatment of political dissenters and Native Americans by the United States government. His work features controversial and provocative views, written in a direct, often confrontational style...
Date of Birth2 October 1947
CountryUnited States of America
It's not necessary that I be there right now. If I were to show up and pull out a statement, then it would be all about me, and I'm not the issue. Columbus Day is the issue.
It's much more elegant and sophisticated to pretend it had to do with a violation of academic standards.
I'm not playing any more investigation games. I'm not going to talk to them.
I'm not going to prove the system works, because the proof of the fact the system didn't work is the fact that he was charged.
I interpreted data differently. ... Truth is the best defense. I'm not concerned in the least.
I'm quite encouraged by the results and at this point do not know whether an actual investigation will be convened and if so, with regard to which specific allegations,
If U.S. foreign policy results in massive death and destruction abroad, we cannot feign innocence when some of that destruction is returned.
I am not surprised. Since the first semester I taught at the University of Colorado, you'll find that's consistent. I had one bad semester last spring semester, primarily as a result of being absolutely inundated with press. We had reporters sitting in the classroom.
He's obviously an expert, never having been in school as near as I can tell.