Dusty Baker Matter Quotations
Dusty Baker Quotes about:
Matter Quotes from:
Fathers Quotes
Well being a manager is sort of like being a father. I was always held to be responsible because I was the oldest of five. No matter what happened in my family I was always in charge and always at fault. Being a manger is like being a father where your dad is the ultimate last word and disciplinarian.
Appears Quotes
He's as hard-working a guy as I've ever seen. He wants to do very, very good. Seems that no matter what he does, he still has the hunger and enthusiasm of a rookie. With that nature, that'll take him to great heights. I haven't been around him that long, but he appears to be a guy who's never satisfied with where he is.
Base Quotes
Juan has a pretty good idea of when to run. There were quite a few guys who had green lights last year. It's just a matter of them running. I gave guys the green light a lot, but sometimes I was a bit upset when they didn't run. A real base stealer can run better when he feels he can run versus when you tell him to run.
Ball Quotes
They are both throwing the ball good. It's just a matter of location most of the time. I'm confident it will come. They've pitched well in the past, so why wouldn't they pitch well in the present and future? I'm not too worried. You want them to be in great form right now, but we do have some time. They have a couple of starts left.