Related Quotes
mother sibling actors
Chloe Grace Moretz I live a very privileged life. I'm an accomplished actor, I have a very solid normal family, tons of siblings, and a mother that loves me.
sibling successful artist
Chris Abani Every successful artist comes from a family - parents or siblings or both - who, although equally gifted, chose not to pursue the treacherous and difficult path of the artist.
sibling blood yellow
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Red was the blood of the siblings massacred in the North, black was for mourning them, green was for the prosperity Biafra would have, and, finally, the half of a yellow sun stood for the glorious future.
sibling parent what-if
Chester Brown The counter-argument would be, so what if my sexual relationships are superficial, one can still have satisfying and rewarding relationships with friends, or parents, or siblings, or whatever.
soulmate sibling believe
Cheryl Cole I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn't have to be your partner - your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn't have to be the person you marry.
biggest butter cake care eat favorite favors home love mad mom name siblings sweet time
Michael Strahan I have the biggest sweet tooth! You name it, I will eat it. My all-time favorite is my mother's butter cake. Every time I go home, my mom will already have the cake made because I love it so much. This makes my siblings mad because they think she favors me. I don't care because she probably does!
sibling dark feelings
Catherine Hardwicke You actually do confront your dark side, your impulses, or your feelings of sibling rivalry in Cinderella or whatever. You admit that they exist and then you work through them and conquer them and come out living happily ever after having learned something. That's one reason why the fairy tales keep having traction and meaning.
sibling house cry
Caitlin Moran When you live in a small house with five younger siblings, it's actually far more sensible- and much quicker- to cry alone.
developing figuring parenting
Adam Mansbach When it comes right down to it, developing a critical sensibility about parenting isn't really about disapproval; it's about honing your own sensibilities, figuring out how you want to parent.
parent support important
Anne Sullivan If my parents didn't push me and didn't support education, I probably wouldn't be here today.... Regardless of whatever they went through and how they may have been treated, they felt education was important. So, it's easier when you have the parents who support it, rather than those who don't.
bill buy gets involved parents process video
Arnold Schwarzenegger What this bill does, basically, it gets the parents involved in the decision-making process when you go to buy or rent these video games,
education knowledge offer parents valuable
Jason Ferrell What they have to offer is more valuable to parents because of the training, education and knowledge they have.
class great parents pleasure watch
Jack Campbell What a great class of kids. It was a pleasure to watch them. Their parents should be proud.
baby brain call calls emergency needs parents sitter surgeon trying whose
Joe Farren What about the young parents whose baby sitter is trying to call them, or the brain surgeon who needs notification of emergency surgery. These calls need to get through.
child happens mother parenting role spends time
John Rosemond What happens is that the mother spends so much time with the child that the father's role ends up being a parenting aid.
family found hole parent provide roof single trying
Scott Pline We found out she was a single parent trying to provide for her family and her roof actually had a hole in it.
call dental encourage kids parents serious
Pat Anderson We find kids that have serious dental problems, then encourage their parents to call and make an appointment. Not necessarily with us. It could be with anyone.