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beware children mother uncle
Patty Hopson When I was little, my mother always told me to beware of strangers. Today, I tell my children to beware of Uncle Chester, their Mother's Molester.
alive believe best bring children daily decision lives owe present stay until
Deborah Copaken Kogan When it comes down to it, I believe that, having made the decision to bring children into the world, I owe it to them to be as present as I can in their daily lives and to try my best to stay alive until they've made it through to adulthood.
benefit children close florida professors tech
Eliud Nieves We're so close to Florida Tech that you get the children of professors and students. We benefit from that.
audiences both children directed films georgia planning start tom weeks
Tony Long We're going to start planning it two weeks after this one is over. Tom Glennon (director of the Georgia Children's Museum) has already come to me with the idea of a children's division, both films made by children and directed at children as an audience. We may even show them at the museum.
bush call children ducks gather george invade invasion iran iraq lead middle mistake people sitting stop sure together war worse
Cindy Sheehan We're going to do what we do all the time: gather together in peace. We're going to call for George Bush and the neo-cons not to invade Iran. That would be a mistake even worse than Iraq. Our children are sitting ducks in the Middle East; the people of Iran and Iraq would be sitting ducks. And I'm not even sure that this invasion won't lead to World War III. So it's something that we have to stop before it starts.
children mistake educational
Anne Sullivan It's a great mistake, I think, to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense, when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.
children names ideas
Anne Sullivan Why, it is as easy to teach the name of an idea, if it is clearly formulated in the child's mind, as to teach the name of an object.
children city defeated failing great inspire nobel resident union win
Kathie Pontus What a great story to inspire our children of today. Not only can you be a resident of Union City and go on to win a Nobel Prize, but you shouldn't be defeated by the failing of a subject.
basically clean game hitting playing prepared slide talented trying
Jen Kasel We've basically been trying to clean up our game in general. Making better passes, playing smarter, hitting the slide on defense, talking, communicating. We've been doing a lot of seven-on-seven to get prepared to play such a talented team.
clean comedy good
Ivan Landry We've always had very good comedians. Very good, clean comedy.
air attached cleaning comfort homes played providing source strong trees
Amy Fisher When I was a child, I played in trees a lot, ... I'm very attached to trees and trees being kind of strong and providing a source of comfort and cleaning the air and being homes for animals.
banging capable clean consistent few hang level mechanics next trying
Dan Hawkins We're going to try a few things to try to clean his mechanics up a little bit. He's capable of really banging it, and he's not doing bad. We're trying to get him to that next level of consistent distance, consistent hang (time) and consistent direction.
anywhere bush clean coal despite energy forms including investing near needed support
Vicki Arroyo We're going to need all forms of energy production, including more coal and nuclear. Despite the Bush administration's support for clean coal technologies, the US is not investing anywhere near what will be needed to make this work.
Dale Parsons We're going to modify it and clean it up and make it more concise.
cleaned coming people walk
Robert Rogers We're going to get all these sidewalks cleaned up so people can walk down them, because they're going to be coming back.
clean coal level sure whatever
Matt Mackowiak We're going to do whatever we can to make sure clean coal technologies are funded at whatever level they should be.
billion chip cleaning others price saving solve state sums tag
Kathleen McGinty What this is about is saving the state substantial sums of money. It's about having others chip in to solve the $15 billion price tag for cleaning up the problem.
glad kindness messed move rule
Eric Osmer When it comes down to it, a rule is a rule. I messed up. But, in a way I'm kind of glad it's all over. There is a sense of closure. We can move on.
airport cab cup happening message staff
Wolfgang Niersbach We're getting the message to cab drivers, airport staff and everyone that the World Cup isn't just happening in stadiums.
ball changing deny double mess might rhythm straight
Marshall Strickland We're going to give them different looks. We might double at times, or we might play them straight up, or we might deny them the ball sometimes. We'll keep changing it and try to mess up their rhythm a little bit.
decision examine message respect
Jim Peterson We're going to examine this decision very carefully. My message is very simple: We want the U.S. to live up to and respect the Nafta.
asked bottom chaotic concerns gross including inquiry leave mess stone top
Gareth Peirce We've re-emphasized our concerns that this inquiry go from the bottom to the top and leave no stone unturned. It's been a chaotic mess and what we've asked the IPCC to find out is how much of it is incompetence and negligence, including gross negligence, and how much of it may be something more sinister.
broadband figuring left message worth
Joe Laszlo What they're left with is figuring out a better message around why broadband is worth it.
consistent deliver everybody fax message places reaches simply systems timely using voice
Steve Adams What they're doing is simply using our fax and voice broadcasting systems to deliver one message to all these different places at once so it's a consistent message, it's timely and reaches everybody at the same time.
across buyer customer eight guarantee meeting message product quickly six whether
Marilyn Montross When we do the product searches, we guarantee each person will get a 10- to 15-minute meeting with a QVC buyer. We know very quickly whether it's a product that's going to come across on QVC. ... If you can't get your message across to a QVC buyer in 10 minutes, you'll never get it across to a QVC customer in six or eight minutes.
dad disability feels home message powerful race rick run wrote
Dick Hoyt When we got home from that race that night, Rick wrote on the computer, 'Dad, when I run it feels like my disability disappears.' So, that was a very powerful message to me.
continue looking number strategic
Toni Simonetti We've always said we have a number of strategic alternatives that we're looking at...We continue to do that.
certainty good move research strategic
Andrew Maynard To move from uncertainty to certainty we need good strategic research - and fast.
branded confident continued fiscal focus growth impact positively profitable remain strategic
Bruce Wood We remain confident that our continued strategic focus on profitable branded growth will positively impact fiscal 2007 and beyond.
agreements announced approval clear foreign process strategic subject
Wang Zhaowen When we announced agreements with foreign strategic investors, it was made clear that these are subject to regulatory approval. Currently, the approval process is proceeding normally.
agreed both relationship strategic upgrade
Hu Jintao We both agreed to upgrade the relationship into a strategic partnership, ... Never has our relationship been more important than today.
abandoned determination libya mass prosperous strategic weapons
Mitchell Reiss What Libya did was make a strategic determination that it would have a better future-a more secure, a more prosperous future-if it abandoned its weapons of mass destruction.
community good last method plan strategic
Brian Bode We're going to look at the last strategic plan and come up with a method for a good strategic plan by the end of the year, with community involvement.
children clean mess strategic
Michael White We're going to have to clean the mess up. Somebody's going to have to. We need to get our children out of harm's way. Strategic withdrawal is where it's at.
command objects strategic track
Jeff Jones U.S. Strategic Command did not track any objects for re-entry.