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asked believe beyond body church community meet needs outside people places reach toward walls
Susan Dunn We've asked the congregation a lot of different things during this period, getting opinions, because we want the whole body to be working toward the same goals. And we believe that the church should get outside its walls and reach out into the community and meet needs of people that live around the church and in the same town, as well as other places beyond our boundaries.
against behind believed developed games good happened last played player teams
Jamie Dixon We've always thought he was a very good player and always believed in him. He just happened to play on some very good teams behind some very good players. Last year, he developed and got better. He played in a lot of big games against a lot of good people.
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Tim Finchem We've always believed we're prepared to do it, ... We can handle it in short order if we need to.
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Adam Rothberg We've always believed in Dan Brown's exceptional talent as an author. Everyone in publishing knows that sometimes it takes three or more books to reach critical mass and we're happy to have ultimately sold millions of copies of his books.
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Kyle Hines When we weren't winning, we were still working hard. It just didn't seem like we had all the pieces of the puzzle. We all believed sometime we'd click, and I'm happy it's now.
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Karen Stewart When we were in Waveland, we were thinking about how we could help folks. We wanted it to be more than that we went to Waveland for two weeks to help. We wanted to say that people outside of Mississippi care about them and believe as they do that they will rebuild.
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Annette O'Toole When we were first together, he said, Nobody's ever called me Darling. I said, I can't believe that - I could just cry thinking about it.
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Nick Vitucci When we were 12 points behind Wheeling, we never doubted ourselves and always believed we could do it.
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Martin O'Malley When I was in Grade 9, there was an election for high school president, and one of the candidates told us that if we elected him, he would abolish homework. He promised this to the entire student body from the stage in the school gymnasium.
address care elected health levels national officials proactive role state strategies welcome
Rick Wagoner We would welcome a more proactive role from elected officials at the national and state levels in broad-based strategies to address the U.S. health care crisis.
black elected large likely percent reverse small vote white
Ed Renwick What he?s done is reverse his base. He got 85% of the white vote when he was elected first time. Now, this time, he?s likely to get a small percent of the white vote, but a large percent of the black vote.
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Ken Schmidt We're not administrators. We're elected officials who try to do the best things for the city, ... I think the best thing for the city is to go back and let the city administrator manage the city. That's what he gets paid for.
calling disclose elected electorate knowledge limited policy political public talk voters
Jack Germond Unsurprisingly, the poll-takers don't talk a lot in public about the ignorance of the electorate on political and public policy matters. And the politicians are not going to disclose the, let's say, limited body of knowledge in their constituencies. You don't get elected calling your voters airheads.
comforting elected farmers looking lucky opponents policy producers simpson strong sugar
Don Wallace We are lucky to have two strong lawmakers like Simpson and Peterson looking out for America's sugar producers and the policy on which they depend. Some sugar policy opponents want to put sugar farmers out of business, and it's comforting to know that our elected representatives will not let that happen.
area bumps continue easy elected forward improve last looking statistics team
Ricky Stokes We are looking forward to (today). We have elected to do it the old fashioned way and really concentrate on fundamentals. Looking at the team statistics last year, one area we really need to continue to improve is shooting. We know that it's never easy when there is a new staff. It's not an easy road. We know there will be some bumps in the road, but you will see a team that will play hard.
believe elected government people represents served
Slobodan Milosevic we believe that the Serb people would be better served by having a democratically elected government that represents their values.
center consider county crosses district downtown elected front hospital line mind money nearest notice plan putting sides texas trauma travel white
Jim Becka When you travel through Montgomery County and notice the white crosses on the sides of the roads, keep in mind that the nearest trauma center to each cross is downtown Houston. The 2007 Texas Legislature will consider appropriating money for more trauma centers. If elected to the hospital district board, I plan on putting Montgomery County at the front of the line for one of these new facilities.
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Dan Bartlett When it comes down to it, Hillary Clinton will very much excite the Republican faithful to get out and work hard. I don't know if a similar case can be made if Obama is the candidate.
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Butch Davis We're going to survey the hotels and motels in town. There's a real nice shelter at Family Faith Church, ... and we're going to solicit the hotels and see what comes out of it. The hotel population right now is still between 500 and 600.
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Victor Batista We're going to name him Giovan. I was worried about being away this week, but we have faith I'll be back before the baby is born.
faith fuss love men people purely question
Oscar Wilde What a fuss people make about fidelity! Why, even in love it is purely a question for physiology. It has nothing to do with our own will. Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannot: that is all one can say.
faith focus gain miss order support
Jan LaRue We find it patronizing and hypocritical to focus on her faith in order to gain support for Miss Miers.
faith giant race run
Edward Egan What made Wellington Mara was his faith and his family, ... He has run the race of life, and he has won. Wellington Mara was a giant in every sense of the word.
brought eventually faith found price small strength welcome
Cyndee Williams What limitations I may have now are a small price to pay. I welcome the limitations. My faith has brought me through this and I eventually found strength in my weakness.
faith feeling grounded growing human moving positive understand
David Gregory What's positive is moving from a place of growing in faith to really feeling more grounded in faith, to understand that faith is hard, that I'll stumble, that I'll make mistakes, that I'll sin. But, that's part of being on a faith path; it's part of being a human being.
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Jay Smith We're going to keep the faith and stay positive, that's what we'll build on. We're going to fight 'em tooth and nail.
asked continuing government identify libya resolve source
Adam Ereli We've asked the government of Libya to identify the source of the interference and resolve the problem. And we'll be continuing to investigate it.
change direction government national needs state taken
Franco Harris We've always been very close. But right now I feel there needs to be a change in the direction from where our national administration has taken us and where the Republicans in state government want to take us.
airport armor bad body dogs fear government millions scared spent
John Stossel When we were scared about 9/11, we federalized the airport security, we spent millions for body armor for dogs in Ohio. All that over-reaction comes from fear and government - bad combination.
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Jonathan Moyo When I was in government it was routine for these CIO agents and their factional counterparts in government and ZANU PF politicians to abuse me as a scapegoat for anything they were unable to explain or defend.
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Jim Hall When I was in government I always paid close attention to whistleblowers. While sometimes people consider them a thorn in the side, many times they're very conscientious individuals who are trying to do their job.
accessible adopt aim among begin business centre construct control easier easily framework government identity individual information management migration move networks next online open puts quickly resolve secure security society software system trusted widely
John Clippinger To move online security to the next level, there has to be fundamental resolve among consumers, government and business to quickly adopt a system where the individual has more control over how information about them is managed and shared. Our aim is to construct an open and widely accessible software framework that puts the individual at the centre of the identity management universe. With this framework in place, it will be easier for society to begin the migration to more secure online environments, where trusted networks can not only be easily formed, but effectively enforced. For in the end, security is not just technological, but social.
sports school government
Will Self If the government announced that it was going to allocate a vast tranche of education funding purely to the pupils at the best public schools, there would be a national outcry - and yet this is precisely what the Olympics represents in terms of sports funding.
dialogue efforts elements forces government human key peaceful remind respect rights security
Nicholas Burns We remind the Burundi government and security forces that respect for human rights and peaceful dialogue should be key elements in their efforts to re-establish security in the country.
camps chad ensuring government primary refugee reminded responsibility security
Ron Redmond We reminded the government of Chad that it has the primary responsibility for ensuring the security of refugee camps on its territory.
allow cannot chess composure defense hardest key match nights others player playing skin teams throw work
Cody Franson When it come down to it on most nights it is about the player and the teams that work the hardest and not so much a chess match of strategy. Composure is key to playing defense and you cannot allow others to get under your skin and throw you off your game.
bear came entering handed keys system
Mark Schonfeld When it came to entering mutual-fund orders, Bear Stearns essentially handed the keys to the system over to the hedge funds.
dialogue efforts elements forces government human key peaceful remind respect rights security
Nicholas Burns We remind the Burundi government and security forces that respect for human rights and peaceful dialogue should be key elements in their efforts to re-establish security in the country.
close confident defense hits hitting key playing tight win
Fred Miller We're making key hits and playing tight enough defense to win some close games. I think we'll get more confident with our hitting as we go.
across business focused improving key quarter remain resulted solid
Robert Walters We remain focused on improving key fundamentals of our business and making operational improvements that resulted in a solid quarter across the company.
capture driving factors key percentage programs spending television though time viewing
Phil Forest We're spending more time on our computers. Even though television viewing is up, there is still a percentage that they're losing. If they put programs on the Internet, they can capture more of the audience. That's one of the key factors driving the networks.
basically bit continues key lower resistance row second slightly unchanged
Larry Peruzzi We're slightly lower to unchanged basically for the second day in a row after a little bit of a rally. That 11,000 continues to be a key resistance area.
age age-and-aging bad key maturity responsibility starting
William Petersen We're getting to the age when we're starting to see that responsibility isn't such a bad thing, when we see maturity as the key to sustenance.
compete core count drive freshman good hitters home key league names offense overall potent quite runs score spots top year
Greg Hawk We're going to score some runs this year, you can count on that. Timmy is a big key to our club, but we have a really potent offense overall so we'll be quite all right. We've got a good freshman core and the big hitters to drive them home so I like our chances. We are going to compete for one the top spots in our league and before this year is over, they'll know the names of these guys.
against base best guard high increases restoring state tuition
Russ McKinney We feel the best way to guard against high tuition increases is through restoring our base state funding.
cut restoring setting taste utterly
Mark Barrowcliffe The sun setting on the Ucayali, with the Andean foothills in the background, and the taste of freshly cut papaya in my mouth, restoring a body utterly shattered, made for one of those 'ones to tell the grandchildren' memories.
appeal date restoring
Charles Seaton We're still assessing our options, what we're going to do and when we're going to do it. As of now, there's no date for restoring the conductors. An appeal is being considered.
applied best discuss health knowledge medical men people rapidly restoring strength whether work
Elizabeth Kenny I do not want medical men to discuss whether or not my work is valuable, because I know what it will do. I want them to tell me how best this new knowledge of rapidly restoring paralysed people to health and strength can be applied where it is needed.
believe elected faith government key restoring
Kirsten Gillibrand I believe transparency in government is key to restoring our nation's faith in its elected leaders.
call concept novelist offspring organ particular plot qualified restoring science stuff theme thriller wrote
Kage Baker Back when the concept of organ transplants qualified as science fiction, novelist Maurice Renard wrote a thriller called 'Les Mains d'Orlac.' Call it a bastard offspring of 'Frankenstein;' its plot revolved around the old theme of Science Giving Us Stuff We Shouldn't Have - in this particular case, restoring severed body parts.
needs restoring ifs
Edward Hopper If the picture needs varnishing later, I allow a restorer to do that, if there's any restoring necessary.
begin meeting rebuilding restoring special state work
Kathleen Blanco I have called for this special meeting to begin immediately the work of rebuilding our state and restoring our people,
artistic balance coast frantic less pace pursue ready restoring start strips work
Bill Watterson I didn't want 'Calvin and Hobbes' to coast into halfhearted repetition, as so many long-running strips do. I was ready to pursue different artistic challenges, work at a less frantic pace ... and start restoring some balance to my life.