Contempt Quotations
Contempt Quotes from:
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld
- Aesop
- Douglas Gibson
- Herbert Spencer
- Isaac Barrow
- Mason Cooley
- Samuel Johnson
- William Hazlitt
- William Shakespeare
- Abraham Cowley
- Alex Berenson
- Alexander Lebed
- Andrea Dworkin
- Andrew Goodman
- Antonin Scalia
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Atharva Veda
- Barbara Tuchman
- Bernard Berenson
- Bobby Miller
Centuries Quotes
As the Persians wrote very little about how they ran their affairs, the Greek propaganda of the 5th century B.C. has for centuries gone virtually unchallenged - indeed, for Edward Said, it was the beginning of Europe's long habit of misunderstanding and ill-informed contempt of the Middle East.
Clear Quotes
I have nothing but contempt for Gadhafi. I'm not a Gadhafi supporter in any way. However, it's not clear to me that it's a vital and compelling national security objective of the United States that we ought to use military force to remove him from power. He's not the only unpleasant and unsavory dictator in the world.
Acquired Quotes
While living, apparently, as modern men and women, using electric fans and electric irons, telephones and trains, and aeroplanes, when they can afford it, they nourish in their hearts a deep contempt for the childish conceit and bloated hopes of our age, and for the various recipes for saving, mankind, which zealous philosophers and politicians thrust into circulation. They know that nothing can save mankind, for mankind is reaching the end of its present cycle. The wave that carried it, for so mane millenniums, is about to break, with all the fury of acquired speed, and to merge once more into the depth of the unchanging Ocean of undifferentiated existence. It will rise; again, some day, with abrupt majesty, for such is the law of waves. But in the meantime nothing can be done to stop it.
Clear Quotes
The court views it as unfortunate for Secretary Rubin that he has been tarnished with this contempt citation, ... What personal involvement he has had in this fiasco is unknown to this court, but what is clear is that he has totally delegated his responsibility to others and they have miserably failed to comply with this court's orders.
Men And Women Quotes
She even had a kind of special position among men: she was an exception, she fitted none of the categories they commonly used when talking about girls; she wasn't a cock-teaser, a cold fish, an easy lay or a sneaky bitch; she was an honorary person. She had grown to share their contempt for most women.
Against Quotes
I would rather be held in contempt than support such a scandalous outcome. I won't testify if it's just against (Blumenthal), ... The point is (that) the president made sure, some way or another, that the story got into print. It was a threat against a potential witness -- a very vulgar and crude one, very typical of his modus operandi.
Attempt Quotes
There is no excuse for failing to declare one's business interests. It is simply a matter of filling out a form. Failure to do so constitutes either negligence or an attempt to conceal a possible conflict of interest or even contempt for the Parliamentary ethics process. Either way, there must be consequences.
Book Quotes
I actually don't express contempt for the rank-and-file conservative voters in Kansas. The conservative reviews of the book claim that I do, but by and large I am very respectful of these people. I certainly don't try to make these people sound crazy. In a lot of ways I really respect them.
Carrie Quotes
I think when it comes to women who write or who fancy ourselves 'hip downtown literati', there is a certain contempt for being overly sexual or really looking for boyfriends. We tend to be marginalized as some 'Sex & The City' Carrie Bradshaw chick-lit dummies who just want shoes and a ring.
Case Quotes
Microsoft doesn't respect the antitrust laws, and it has amply demonstrated that it can't be trusted. The company has shown its contempt for any court-imposed changes in its conduct. If the government ends the antitrust case by seeking changes in its conduct, but not in its structure, Microsoft can be expected to creatively evade the thrust of such agreements.
Apathy Quotes
When the people of a nation out of sincere ignorance, conscientious stupidity, and/or apathy cheer and support liars and murderers like Bush and Blair they are breeding contempt for the laws of the land. These people will find themselves, sooner rather than later, surrounded by incomprehensible evil wherever they go. They become more like fish in a barrel than people.
Believe Quotes
While Person A might believe the kitchen counter provides a reasonable surface on which to place one's balled-up sweatsocks post-gym, Person B - about to cut up some vegetables on that same counter, perhaps for a meal intended to be shared with Person A - can only read the sockball as a message that says, 'Hi! I have contempt for you!'
Antics Quotes
Even the most cynical can hardly be surprised by the antics of Nixon and his accomplices as they are gradually revealed. It matters little, at this point, where the exact truth lies in the maze of perjury, evasion, and of contempt for the normal - hardly inspiring - standards of political conduct.
Critics And Criticism Quotes
You should never assume contempt for that which it is not very manifest that you have it in your power to possess, nor does a wit ever make a more contemptible figure than when, in attempting satire, he shows that he does not understand that which he would make the subject of his ridicule.