Ears Quotations | Page 2
Ears Quotes from:
- William Shakespeare
- Bible Bible
- Rumi
- Ambrose Bierce
- Lord Byron
- Cassandra Clare
- Jonathan Swift
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Rick Riordan
- Douglas Adams
- Francis Quarles
- George Herbert
- J K Rowling
- John Milton
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Abraham Verghese
- Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
- Becca Fitzpatrick
- Charles Spurgeon
Best Quotes
I'd say the best way to train someone is to remember that you have two ears and one mouth, and use them in that ratio. That's hard to do, and ultimately what we've learned is how many false positives you get from listening to what someone says they're going to do instead of observing what they actually do.
Actual Quotes
We're a watchdog group that has become the eyes and ears of where the tax money is going in Walton County. We spend a lot of time, through volunteer efforts, to analyze budgets, analyze expenditures and try to look at different government programs to see if there's an actual justification of benefit back to the taxpayer.
Music Quotes
... a blown-out tube ripped some of the grind from the amplifier, throwing us into a momentary tizzy. The unusual sound led me to play unusually, and the recorded take turned out to be a keeper. Insriration can come from the most unlikely places ... keep your head on and your ears open...
White Quotes
I want to show you something,” I say. What?” He dabs at his lips with the napkin, and for a moment I’m wishing so hard that I am that napkin that I can almost feel myself changing, becoming thin and papery and white. “Cal?” I sit back and feel myself blushing, feel it from the tips of my toes all the way to the heat at the backs of my ears.
War Quotes
We know from our recent history that English did not come to replace U.S. Indian languages merely because English sounded musical to Indians' ears. Instead, the replacement entailed English-speaking immigrants' killing most Indians by war, murder, and introduced diseases, and the surviving Indians' being pressured into adopting English, the new majority language.