Tact does for life just what lubricating oil does for machinery.
The Human Rights Commission is the aspect of governance reform that obviously is ripest and that we have been pressing hardest on and it reflects the almost universal belief that the Human Rights Commission's intergovernmental decision making machinery is broken beyond repair.
The environment department is aware of the recall notice that's on the piece of machinery and that's one of the things we're looking at.
The headline figures are quite strong. Machinery orders are a leading indicator of capital spending, and this outcome shows corporate spending will be strong at least in the first half of 2006.
The community contributes a significant amount of money to the carnival each year. A lot of people and businesses donate equipment, time, machinery and supplies.
The communication formed by the small bones of the ear is, to look upon, more like what we are accustomed to call machinery than anything I am acquainted with in animal bodies. It seems evidently designed.
It is great to be a part of big-budget movies, but it is harder to feel like you are contributing, in the sense that it has such big machinery behind it.
Good cheer is a great lubricant; it oils all of life's machinery.
Heredity provides for the modification of its own machinery.
I'm not human. I'm a piece of machinery. I don't need to feel a thing. Just forge on ahead.
ordinary eternal machinery, like the grinding of the stars
All this machinery making modern music can still be open-hearted. Not so boldly charted, it's really just a question of your honesty.
AI is not just heading for our industry, it will radically change the machinery we use in marketing.
Their imaginations were flywheels on the ramshackle machinery of the awful truth.
How complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is.
I would as soon pray to God with machinery as to sing to God with machinery.
Prayer meetings are the throbbing machinery of the church.
I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of ''work,'' because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.
The cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant truths / of exquisite interrelationships / of the awesome machinery of nature
Technocracy wants to do everything by machinery. . . . Machinery is doing just fine. If it can't kill you, it will put you out of work.
Once you've built the big machinery of political power, remember you won't always be the one to run it.
In the arts of life man invents nothing; but in the arts of death he outdoes Nature herself, and produces by chemistry and machinery all the slaughter of plague, pestilence, and famine
I am convinced that words are things, and we simply don't have the machinery to measure what they are. I believe that words are tangible things...
Power and machinery, money and goods, are useful only as they set us free to live.
Labour, because it chose to remain unintelligent, either became subservient, or insolently believed in damaging the capitalists' goods and machinery or even in killing the capitalists.
Law is the great civilizing machinery. It liberates the desire to build and subdues the desire to destroy.
Man is only man at the surface. Remove the skin, dissect, and immediately you come to machinery.
For man is not the creature and product of Mechanism; but, in a far truer sense, its creator and producer.
For I thought Epicurus and Lucretius By Nature meant the Whole Goddam Machinery.
Technocracy wants to do everything by machinery. Machinery is doing just fine. If it can't kill you, it will put you out of work.