Petroleum Quotations
Petroleum Quotes from:
Ability Quotes
We're focusing more on the drillers and some producers. The services sector I think will follow along a little bit later Anadarko Petroleum is one of our favorites, ... This is a bit of a natural gas play. It's the one company in this sector that can increase their production should prices turn higher. Many others are limited by their ability to continue to pump out further amounts of product. I think Anadarko is vastly undervalued. To get another 30-to-50 percent out of the name over the course of the next 12-to-18 months would not surprise me at all.
Consequences Quotes
Petroleum earnings go up and down with the volatility in the openly and globally traded commodities in which we deal. ... History teaches us that punitive measures hastily crafted in reception to short-term market manipulations, will likely have unintended negative consequences including creating disincentives for investment.
Affected Quotes
To ensure safety, the industry has moved employees from some facilities and shut down various offshore production platforms, refineries and pipeline operations in affected areas, ... This will have an impact on petroleum product supplies. With only limited information available at this time we are unable to estimate the extent of the impact.
Ensure Quotes
We have worked with refiners to help them with transportation, with numerous other logistical initiatives so that they can get more product into the market, ... I will be meeting next week with refiners, with petroleum executives, with many others -- heating oil suppliers, to ensure that we get this product reserve into the market.
Aircraft Quotes
We think the trade deficit deteriorated to $67B in January, the widest since October. Petroleum imports likely rose by over $1B due to higher prices - up 6.4%. In real terms, imports were probably close to unchanged. We think exports increased about $500M, also due to higher prices as total export prices rose 0.7%. Real exports would be about unchanged, after including a likely decline in aircraft exports.
Behind Quotes
The petroleum sector of the commodities futures markets has become increasingly volatile in recent years. Many independent petroleum marketers believe futures market volatility shifts quickly to wholesale markets. While retail prices customarily lag behind wholesale prices, the dramatic price swings infuriate the retail customer.
Barrels Quotes
The government's offer of barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has mitigated some of the upward price pressure on crude oil. The problems with gasoline and natural gas may not be helped even if the SPR is tapped. If refineries are offline and can't run the extra oil, it will make no difference.
Benefits Quotes
Even drawing from our existing power plants, plug-in vehicles have the potential to cut a vehicle's petroleum consumption by three-fourths or more, can operate at as little as one-fourth the fuel cost, and reduce greenhouse gases by two-thirds. As we increasingly turn to alternative technologies to improve the fuel economy of our vehicles, we will see increasing benefits to our economy, our environment, and our national security.
Available Quotes
The United States is committed to using all of the tools at our disposal to help keep our oil and gasoline markets well supplied, ... This sale ensures that refineries have the petroleum they need to keep gasoline and diesel fuel flowing to American consumers while production facilities in the gulf region regain their capacity. As we move forward, we will continue to monitor the overall supply of petroleum available and the needs of the nation as we determine next steps.
Capacity Quotes
Prices are expected to ease in 2007 as expanding refinery capacity reduces some of the bottleneck in that sector. However, the likely strength of oil demand, as well as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' intention to support higher prices will maintain crude oil prices at historically high levels.