Statements Quotations
Statements Quotes from:
Both Quotes
When I look at the chaotic and volatile debate right now, both in Germany and around the world, my impression and concern is that the daily barrage of proposals and political statements is making markets and consumers even more nervous. Still, Brussels is pressing for a joint European approach.
Aspect Quotes
We sometimes get so caught up in one or another aspect of the teaching, we forget that if a person hasn't been introduced to Christ, if a person hasn't embraced the risen Lord and the church that's an expression of that experience, what we're saying just sounds like a bunch of rules or negative statements limiting their personal freedom.
Beginnings Quotes
Though moral axioms to guide the conduct of the practitioner have existed since the beginnings of the profession of healing, Western doctors are most likely to view the Hippocratic Oath of approximately two-and-a-half millennia ago as the first codified set of statements to which they can look for guidance.
Couple Quotes
The thing to do with mutual funds is to buy a couple of decent ones, set up an investment plan and then never, ever think about them again, except maybe once a quarter or so when you take a peek at your statements to make sure that you have not accidentally been buying the Fidelity Peace-in-the-Middle-East fund.
Accept Quotes
At different times in my life, I've made grand statements like, 'I want these many kids, and I want them by this age.' I think, with every year that goes by, I accept that I don't know when it's going to happen or how it's going to happen. I'll just take it one day at a time, and when I'm ready, I'll be ready. It'll reveal itself, I guess.
Begets Quotes
I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth. A pile of bills and statements - whether paid or not - is a sign that someone is clueless about what's coming in and going out. When you consciously open, read, and file away your bills and statements, you are connecting with your money and taking control of your life.
Ahead Quotes
Trust-me companies are companies whose financial results gallop ahead of their businesses, companies with seemingly perfect control over their quarterly sales and profits. Companies whose financial statements are loaded with footnotes: companies that short-sellers often attack but rarely dent.
Both Quotes
We're 18-2 and it doesn't feel that way. I don't feel overly comfortable or ecstatic. I just like where we are right now, but I know that there's a lot in front of us, so I'm not ready to make any defining statements yet. We've played pretty good basketball, but I don't know that we've played an exceptional game at both ends. So I think there's a lot of room for improvement, a lot of room for growth.
Advice Quotes
We did receive incorrect information that was provided to us, and we made the decision to loan the money based on the financial statements that were presented to us. It's apparent that there are some discrepancies in those financial statements and the recommendations were for us to get legal advice and we're doing that.
Along Quotes
When units come back they usually do an inventory of what gear they have and what is damaged or missing. When a unit comes in to check out, they need to have a missing or damaged gear statement stamped certified or true copied by their commanding officer. They have to have the statement done within ninety days of return. Instead of having the CO sign thirty missing or damaged gear statements, the unit only has to make one letter which the CO signs and attach the other Marines statements along with it.
Aspects Quotes
Many posted privacy statements are hard to locate, read, and understand, ... Further, other aspects of what have come to be known as fair information practices, like the requirement that online participants have a reasonable opportunity to see what information has been collected about them and to correct errors that creep into a database, have barely been addressed.
Against Quotes
Millions of statements are made about the president every day on every subject and from every standpoint; threats of violence are not an integral feature of any one subject or viewpoint as distinct from others. Differential treatment of threats against the president, then, selects nothing but special risks, not special messages.
Arafat Quotes
One of the factors here is what role Yasser Arafat will play. From some of the statements that he has been making immediately, he doesn't seem to be trying to move the Bethlehem situation to a smooth and quiet resolution. Unfortunately he seems to be trying to use it as another excuse to inflame international passions, and I think that Yasser Arafat could be playing a more constructive role in trying to bring this impasse to an end.
Absolute Quotes
I got to the office at 7 (a.m.). The phone rang at 7:30 and it was John and he said, 'Hey, we've got this thing going. Do you have any interest in getting in, getting involved in any of these players?' That's exactly what happened. Up to that point, I hadn't even talked to Portland, which is why you can't make absolute statements about these things.
Against Quotes
If they decided he was, he'd have the full rights under the Geneva Conventions: the right to call witnesses, the right of appeal and the right to view all the evidence against him. In a military commission, no enemy combatant has these rights and the prosecution can bring evidence, hearsay and statements taken by coercion
Both Quotes
Had it not been for the impressive January same-store sales reports, decent forward-looking statements and the big drop in energy prices, the market drop would have been far worse. With the understanding that we needed to keep our eyes on wage pressures and productivity, both of those components suddenly soured investors on the idea that the Fed was truly done.